Monday, May 26, 2008

good weekend

I ended up having a pretty good weekend, despite my little, annoying sickness. Friday night, we went out to an Italian restaurant for dinner and then we went to the theatre. My salad was so-so, but the other girls' lasagna and pizza were to die for!! Romeo et Juliette was quite interesting to say the least. We had pretty good seats, but it was unbelievably hot in the theatre. The dance was a kind of contemporary ballet, definitely not your typical classical ballet. They had some unique costumes and they made it very ouvertly sexual. Like I said, it was interesting, but I really enjoyed it overall.
Saturday morning, we woke up super early to catch a bus to Uzès to go to a market. The market was cool.. lots of yummy smelling and locally produced fruits, veggies, honey (lavendar honey is AMAZING!), olive oil, spices, soaps, etc. The clothes/jewelry were kinda boring but it was neat just walking around looking at and smelling everything.
After leaving we headed to the Pont du Gard which was a huge touristy attraction, but I really, really enjoyed it and would love to go back someday! There'll be photos later, but it was this huge Roman bridge that went over a river. We sat by the river for a few hours and just read and relaxed.. it was very nice.
Sunday. Yesterday was the French Mother's day. Natalie picked me up around 10 in the morning and we drove to a little village nearby to get fruit and veggies for the week. She likes to get her produce directly from the farmers because she said it's not too expensive, it's organic and it tastes better. I agree :) She got some really yummy cherries, some asparagus, tomatoes, zucchini, and the best cantalope/melon thing I've ever tasted! For lunch we went to her best friend's house where we had a HUGE meal! It was really good, but I wasn't feeling all that great :(
Around 5ish, we (me, Natalie, Salomé and Jules) went to Natalie's mother and stepfather's house for tea. They really have the coolest house ever. If we go again I'm definitely taking more pictures of the inside. After tea, we drove Salomé back to her dad's, which is about an 45 minutes away and I was completely exhausted (and feeling yucky) so after our quick, light dinner (of fresh, yummy fruit and veggies!) I passed out!
It's raining this morning.. but I'm feeling okay so far. I'm excited about my last week of France.. I hope I start feeling 100percent so I can enjoy it to the fullest.

I miss you all and love you!! Hopefully there'll be pics up later!

Friday, May 23, 2008

un peu malade :(

I'm telling you, being sick in France should just not be allowed!! I don't think it's very fair at all. On the bright side, I'm not super sick or throwing up or anything like that! On the not-so bright side, I have no clue what's wrong with me? My symptoms include just generally feeling crappy and not sleeping very well through the night. I also have a mild sore throat that isn't bad enough to worry about (I did buy some sore throat logenzes which help though). But other than that, I don't have any real symptoms?? I don't get it. Advil helps, but temporarily.. I know EXACTLY when that 4-6 hour span is through because I start feeling crappy again. I wish I could put into words, much less French words, how I feel so I could get medicine from the pharmacy that could actually fix the problem rather than just mask it for 4-6 hours.
I'm just hoping it will go away very soon.
Other than that things are going well here. Didn't have class today so Sharon and I met up for lunch and then a little bit of shopping. For lunch I had a yummy crepe with ham, egg and cheese. I haven't been able to bring myself to buy much of anything while I'm here since the dollar is so weak (and I don't have much money to begin with). Everything that I see that seems like it's in my price range is usually OUT of my 'dollar' price range or cheaply made. For example, I'll see a top for 20 euros and think, "Hey that's cute!" ...until I realize that after it's changed into dollars and then has the international fees added, it's almost a 35-40 dollar top. Not quite as cute anymore. Most of the clothes/shoes here aren't much different from the clothes/shoes in the states anyway. So there's really no use for me to waste the money.
We're going to see Roméo & Juliette at the Theatre tonight! I think it's actually a ballet rather an opera too, which makes me pretty happy :) Before the ballet we're going out to eat at this little Italian restaurant that's supposed to be really good. Then tomorrow we're heading out really early in the morning to take a bus to an open air market place and then the Pont du Garde. I really hope I feel better tomorrow.. :)

Love you and miss you all!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today, the Montevallo group did the touristy stuff in Avignon...
Toured the Palais des Papes and walked along the 'infamous' Pont d'Avignon (bridge) that apparently had a song written about it? I don't know?
It was pretty cool, interesting.. but unfortuntaly I haven't been feeling well since last night. I think I've been eating way too much dairy products, cheeses and such and even though I've been taking lactose pills, my body has just had TOOO much. On top of that, I felt like I had a fever and sore throat all night while I slept. So now I'm quite tired seeing as I didn't sleep well all night. Luckily I haven't been feeling fever-y any more, but my stomach is still bothering me.
I picked up Jules from school/daycare today because his grandparents weren't able to watch him today.. now we're watching Harry Potter 4 in French (with English subtitles, of course!).
We have Friday off of school this week so we can travel if we want. Joy, Sharon and I decided just to stay around Avignon and the surrounding cities for the weekend in order to save money. Friday night we're going to see Romeo and Juliet at the Opera!! Student tickets are half price here, so we got the best section seats for only 18 euros! I don't think I've ever seen an opera, so it should be neat! Especially since it's a story that I already know and understand. The opera house here is gorgeous too! Then Saturday we're taking a bus to the Pont du Garde, apparently it's supposed to be really awesome? So I think we'll have a good time even though we're not traveling to Paris or Italy like some of the others.
Well, I should get started on my homework. I'm getting sick of this school stuff and I'm definitely ready for a two month break from classes and homework throughout the summer.

I love you guys and miss you!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Cloitre de Saint Trophime in Arles

isn't it Hogwarts-y?? :)

saintes maries de la mer

I went to the beach with "ma famille française" yesterday: Natalie, Salomé (13 years old), Jules (5 years) and also Natalie's best friend, Caroline (who happens to be Rosie's French-mom, one of the students from my school). We went to the little city of Saintes Maries de la Mer and wow, it was absolutely gorgeous! The drive there was amazing too! The French countryside is breathtaking... I saw a bunch of wild white horses and wild flamingos! And all the vineyards and rice farms and the mountains! Ah! I loved it.
After the beach we had to drop off Salomé at her dad's place. Natalie only sees her one out of every two weekends. I was sad to see her go because she's so sweet and I got along with her really well.
Saturday, my group went on a 'fieldtrip' to the city of Arles. Unfortunately it rained most of the day, but after it stopped raining it ended up being alright. We went to a really cute little restaurant to eat lunch and escape the rain. After we ate we took a tour of this really awesome old church that reminded us all of Hogwarts :) I might have to put those pics up too after I get done with this. That night (Saturday night), me, Natalie, Salomé, Jules, Natalie's sister in-law and her young kids had a crepe party for dinner! It was so fun and I'm definitely buying a crepe maker when I get home.. hopefully I'll be able to find a crepe maker ;)

This is Natalie's parents' house... my new favorite house ever! It's small, chic and modern and has a beautiful garden! Loved it!

Friday, May 16, 2008

pictures!! they're random and way out of order...

ahh sorry!

Man, it's been way too long since I've updated! I'm so sorry but I havent had as much access to a computer lately. Let's see... I've had a really great week and I can't believe I'm almost half way done with my stay here. I started working out on Tuesday with Joy and our professor Stacey (who, I think, happens to be certified in aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, etc). We've had some really awesome workouts! Tuesday we went jogging along the Rhone River and then afterwards we went across the river on this little boat onto a cute little island where there was a lot of grass to do some intense kickboxing, abs and then finished with yoga. It was really awesome!
So on Wednesday!! We all went on a fieldtrip to the city of Nimes. I absolutely loved that city! The city is known for their HUGE Roman arena from the 1000s AD or smething like that! It was really neat; JUST like from the movie Gladiator. It just absolutely stunning! After the Arena, we went to a gorgeous garden that had this huge tower that you could climb to the top and see the entire city! I was a little bit sore climbing the tower from the workout the day before, BUT it was definitely worth it! For lunch we ate at this cute little French café/restaurant that was delicious. I had the plate of the day which was some chicken with a 'Louisiane' sauce with a salad and some yummy rice. Definitely one of the best meals I've had since I've been here. Southern French salad dressing is the best. It's this light tasty vinaigrette (sp?) that doesn't feel like it's going to clog your arteries. I loved it.
Yesterday, we didn't have class until 1:00 PM so Joy, Stacey and I met up in the morning for another workout. We decided to 'just' run up and down the stairs that goes down to the river five times. We were DYING by the time we finished... After calculating, we figured out we ran up a total of SEVEN HUNDRED stairs. After stairs we also did a couple leg reps such as calf raises, etc. I'm so incredibly sore today.. This evening we (and a couple other girls) going to a French yoga class! Should definitely be interesting!
Tomorrow we have an excursion to Arles, which is another city with a lot of Roman history. Apparently Van Gogh spent a lot of time there. Should be interesting.
I miss everyone so much, and I really don't like that I'll be missing Duston's big game today!! But GOOD LUCK and I cant wait to hear all about it!
I love you all... I'm going to try the picture thing again in two seconds. So hopefully there will be some pictures up later today! we'll see...

Monday, May 12, 2008

still no photos :(

Apparenly I'm just not meant to upload pictures... I've been having the hardest time doing so and I just don't understand? Everytime I upload photos, whether it be on facebook, photobucket, here on blogger, etc it will take about ten mins and then 'Internet Explorer ne peut pas afficher cette page Web' which means it didn't work. I don't get it. So I'm sorry guys, I've tried. I think I'll try one of the computers at the school tomorrow and see what happens. I hate that I havent been able to show you what my new, temporary home looks like. C'est triste.
I'm doing much better this week already. I've kind of enjoyed having the apt to myself for the weekend although she returns tonight with Jules, the 5 year old boy. Natalie is very nice and I think I'm going to continue getting more and more comfortable with her.
I had a good time wandering around Avignon yesterday. I went (with the two other girls) to a really pretty and charming garden right by the Pope's palace and the cathedral. It was such a nice break from the city. I really like Avignon as a city scene but it's very nice to see some greenery rather than graffiti and smell flowers rather than sewage every once in a while. I love that Avignon is very walkable too since it's pretty small. Being fortified, the whole place is surrounded by big (and very old) walls.
Oh, and people have been asking about the food... It's very, very good. The breads especially are to die for! I've also very much enjoyed the quiches as well - soooo good. And the local Cotes du Rhone wines and the coffee.. mmm.. And everything /everywhere is freshly made.
I going to try not to gain too much weight while I'm here :)
School's going well. Lots of homework but, ça va! (my new favorite expression, it means 'It's fine' or 'okay' So it pretty much works for everything!) We had an interesting talk about the French education system today. They don't have to pay for anything really involving education, including University (well, not directly, I'm sure they pay a lot in taxes). But I thought it was interesting.
Anyways, I'm going to make myself some dinner even though it's 7pm and still very early for the French to be dinnertime. oh well :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008


and any of the other moms who might happen to read this!
I love you and miss you very much!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


So Marseille did not work out so well. We (all the students) bought tickets Thursday planning to leave Friday afternoon without any real plans or anywhere to stay. We figured we could find a youth hostel or cheap hotel once we got there and Stacey (our professor) didnt seem to think we'd have a problem.

1. Marseille is a huge city near the beach.
2. Because there was a holiday on Thursday, every French person took off Friday and Monday to go... to the beach.
3. After the hour long train ride we got there only to find that the 2nd largest city in France was packed (not to mention dirty with shady people) with all sorts of tourists for some soccer game, not to mention the beach goers.

So after getting off the train we walked for about 20 minutes to the Tourist Office to see if they could help us. A guy who worked there called every cheap hotel/hostel around the area. They only one he could find was one in the outskirts of the city that could only take 4 girls. There were 6 of us. So long story short, we split into 3s and I was one of the ones who headed back to Avignon since the only option we had was to stay in the streets (or with the tourist office clerk who offered a room at his house...which I was happy to decline). I was actually quite relieved seeing as Marseille was a gross huge city and way too many people for my liking and I felt very unsafe.
Fortunately, arriving back in Avignon I felt muuuch more safe and comfortable with my surroundings.
So that was 49 dollar trip down the drain. Oh well. You live and learn I suppose. The other girls and I ended up doing stuff around Avignon, which is good because now I feel like I know my way around the city a little bit better. Today we walked around the Palais des Papes and I got some really great pictures!
This money deal is still quite depressing. Ive already gone through much more money than I expected just because of the exchange rate and international fees and withdrawal fees. Again, oh well.
I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable with Natalie, my host mother/person. She's very nice and tries to make me feel as much at home as possible. Even though she smokes, I feel like I lucked out compared to some of the other girls.
But I still feel very awkward just being this stranger living in HER house who can barely speak French.. for a whole month.
She's going to be staying at her boyfriends tonight. Ill have te place to myself which is kind of nice. I think ill try to upload some pics since Ill have the computer to myself for a while :)
Hopefully Ill be able to get it to work.

I hope your games are going well this weekend, Duston! Ive been thinking about you :)

I miss everyone a lot. Its hard not being able to just call whenever you want like I'm so used to.

love you all! send me emails and write comments :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

big day

Today we didn't have a traditional class because the school building (and a lot of businesses) were closed for a national holiday for the end of WW2. so, instead we walked around the city a good bit and we took a boat ride on the Rhone River (right by Avignon). We (the six students) also bought train tickets to go to Marseille for the weekend. It's a city by the Mediteranean (sp?). Hopefully we'll have a good time.

Dinner went well last night, although a bit awkward for me. It was me, my host mother Natalie, her boyfriend, and the neighbor guy Joe or Jean or John (I dont know?). JoeJeanJohn made some yummy Asian meal of some sort and we had some amazingly yummy french chardonnay. They liked to talk about politics a lot.. which apparently has a ton of French vocabulary that goes over my head. Oh well, I just sit and take it all in; I've stopped caring about understanding. They spoke to me (in English) about Obama, Hilary and Mccain. they were definitely not Mccain fans.

au revoir. i love you all

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

stupid dollar

I had my first visit at the french atm today and realized I was even more screwed than I originally thought. I took out 160 euros which, after looking at my transactions online, is apparently just about $250... I guess after the conversion and the atm fee? I don't know, but that's almost half! I guess I won't be traveling or buying as many souvenirs as I thought.
Oh! i bought a french cell phone has free incoming texts and calls. Here's the number - sooo send me texts, if it doesnt cost you too much :)

on another note, I requested a smoke-free home which definitely did not happen. oh well

well, it's 9 pm which is dinner time. Apparently I'm eating dinner at the neighbors'?

au revoir et je vous aime!!

wed 13:27

so I was a bit overwhelmed this morning, ok ok very overwhelmed... I felt very disconnected, not knowing the language very well, without a cell phone or computer to myself. It was just a lot at once, almost everything, that I wasn't used to. I'm going to go ahead and apologize for incorrect grammar or spelling while I'm here but these computers are very confusing and just not whqt i've gotten accustomed to at home.

My host mom walked with me to school this morning after we took Jules, the cute little 5 year old who loved his batman toy by the way. And I'm still very confused about the shower situation. Well I don't have a shower I have a bath tub. but water is really expensive here so I need to be careful and use as little water as possible. it's very very different here. The city is beautiful, awesome buildings. There's really neat little stores and good shopping :) I hope I can get some pictures up soon.

i love you all!

send me emails!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm here!


I'm on my host mother's laptop right now.. which is very strange seeing as the key placement is very different. I'm doing well - just very tired. and hungry but I think she's making me food right now :) she's very very nice and she said I can use her laptop whenever I want. I'll try to get some pics up and a longer post for tomorrow. Thanks Sam for the background; it looks great!
I miss you all very very much! i love you!!!!

au revoir


Monday, May 5, 2008