Friday, May 16, 2008

ahh sorry!

Man, it's been way too long since I've updated! I'm so sorry but I havent had as much access to a computer lately. Let's see... I've had a really great week and I can't believe I'm almost half way done with my stay here. I started working out on Tuesday with Joy and our professor Stacey (who, I think, happens to be certified in aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, etc). We've had some really awesome workouts! Tuesday we went jogging along the Rhone River and then afterwards we went across the river on this little boat onto a cute little island where there was a lot of grass to do some intense kickboxing, abs and then finished with yoga. It was really awesome!
So on Wednesday!! We all went on a fieldtrip to the city of Nimes. I absolutely loved that city! The city is known for their HUGE Roman arena from the 1000s AD or smething like that! It was really neat; JUST like from the movie Gladiator. It just absolutely stunning! After the Arena, we went to a gorgeous garden that had this huge tower that you could climb to the top and see the entire city! I was a little bit sore climbing the tower from the workout the day before, BUT it was definitely worth it! For lunch we ate at this cute little French café/restaurant that was delicious. I had the plate of the day which was some chicken with a 'Louisiane' sauce with a salad and some yummy rice. Definitely one of the best meals I've had since I've been here. Southern French salad dressing is the best. It's this light tasty vinaigrette (sp?) that doesn't feel like it's going to clog your arteries. I loved it.
Yesterday, we didn't have class until 1:00 PM so Joy, Stacey and I met up in the morning for another workout. We decided to 'just' run up and down the stairs that goes down to the river five times. We were DYING by the time we finished... After calculating, we figured out we ran up a total of SEVEN HUNDRED stairs. After stairs we also did a couple leg reps such as calf raises, etc. I'm so incredibly sore today.. This evening we (and a couple other girls) going to a French yoga class! Should definitely be interesting!
Tomorrow we have an excursion to Arles, which is another city with a lot of Roman history. Apparently Van Gogh spent a lot of time there. Should be interesting.
I miss everyone so much, and I really don't like that I'll be missing Duston's big game today!! But GOOD LUCK and I cant wait to hear all about it!
I love you all... I'm going to try the picture thing again in two seconds. So hopefully there will be some pictures up later today! we'll see...

1 comment:

Mom said...

Wow...sounds like you are having a wonderful time and seeing a lot of different things. I;'m glad you are getting to work out so you can eat as much of the French food as you like! Keep us updated!! Love you!!