Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today, the Montevallo group did the touristy stuff in Avignon...
Toured the Palais des Papes and walked along the 'infamous' Pont d'Avignon (bridge) that apparently had a song written about it? I don't know?
It was pretty cool, interesting.. but unfortuntaly I haven't been feeling well since last night. I think I've been eating way too much dairy products, cheeses and such and even though I've been taking lactose pills, my body has just had TOOO much. On top of that, I felt like I had a fever and sore throat all night while I slept. So now I'm quite tired seeing as I didn't sleep well all night. Luckily I haven't been feeling fever-y any more, but my stomach is still bothering me.
I picked up Jules from school/daycare today because his grandparents weren't able to watch him today.. now we're watching Harry Potter 4 in French (with English subtitles, of course!).
We have Friday off of school this week so we can travel if we want. Joy, Sharon and I decided just to stay around Avignon and the surrounding cities for the weekend in order to save money. Friday night we're going to see Romeo and Juliet at the Opera!! Student tickets are half price here, so we got the best section seats for only 18 euros! I don't think I've ever seen an opera, so it should be neat! Especially since it's a story that I already know and understand. The opera house here is gorgeous too! Then Saturday we're taking a bus to the Pont du Garde, apparently it's supposed to be really awesome? So I think we'll have a good time even though we're not traveling to Paris or Italy like some of the others.
Well, I should get started on my homework. I'm getting sick of this school stuff and I'm definitely ready for a two month break from classes and homework throughout the summer.

I love you guys and miss you!


Mom said...

Hey Mal...I hate that you are not feeling well....hope you get better soon. Sounds like you have some fun plans for the weekend. Take and upload more pictures if you can. Love you!!

Unknown said...

I hope your tummy stops hurting Mal, have fun at the opera!! Take pictures if you can.

Crystal said...

I hope you feel better! Being sick in France should not be allowed. Romeo & Juliet sounds fun! It seems like Avignon offers enough exciting things that you shouldn't be too worried about staying. I mean, it's still France for a month! You would think that the teachers wouldn't assign homework. That's dumb.