Monday, May 19, 2008

saintes maries de la mer

I went to the beach with "ma famille française" yesterday: Natalie, Salomé (13 years old), Jules (5 years) and also Natalie's best friend, Caroline (who happens to be Rosie's French-mom, one of the students from my school). We went to the little city of Saintes Maries de la Mer and wow, it was absolutely gorgeous! The drive there was amazing too! The French countryside is breathtaking... I saw a bunch of wild white horses and wild flamingos! And all the vineyards and rice farms and the mountains! Ah! I loved it.
After the beach we had to drop off Salomé at her dad's place. Natalie only sees her one out of every two weekends. I was sad to see her go because she's so sweet and I got along with her really well.
Saturday, my group went on a 'fieldtrip' to the city of Arles. Unfortunately it rained most of the day, but after it stopped raining it ended up being alright. We went to a really cute little restaurant to eat lunch and escape the rain. After we ate we took a tour of this really awesome old church that reminded us all of Hogwarts :) I might have to put those pics up too after I get done with this. That night (Saturday night), me, Natalie, Salomé, Jules, Natalie's sister in-law and her young kids had a crepe party for dinner! It was so fun and I'm definitely buying a crepe maker when I get home.. hopefully I'll be able to find a crepe maker ;)

This is Natalie's parents' house... my new favorite house ever! It's small, chic and modern and has a beautiful garden! Loved it!


Mom said...

This is so fun....getting updates! Thank you. We all miss you very much! I love seeing the picture of your french family. :) Keep them coming.
Grandma and Grandpa got here this morning. We have our baseball banquet tonight. Dad has been working 24/7 on the video. Wish you were here, but I'm so glad you are getting this wonderful experience!! I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Mal! Ooo..i like your little french family..i guess i was expecting Natalie to be a little bit older...and with a beret maybe...ok i kid..haha. but i like zee peeksures!

Mallory said...

Chris!! I loooved the email you sent me! Thank you so much :) I'll definitely be writing you back when I get a chance!
And that's not Natalie, that's Salomé, the 13 year old! :)
Hope you're doing well and I wish you were HERE!!

Unknown said...

ohhh! Jules is extremely cute and Salome is so pretty! I like all the pictures and you're right- that church does seem like Hogwarts. Maybe it IS Hogwarts...ok just kidding. That might be sacreligous to say. Anyway, I miss you!!

Mallory said...

Lydia!! Aren't they cute!?
Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog! I miss you sooooooo much! I honestly feel like I haven't seen you in ages! :( Will I get to see you at all when I get back? When do you leave for Atlanta?? I MISS YOU!!