Friday, May 23, 2008

un peu malade :(

I'm telling you, being sick in France should just not be allowed!! I don't think it's very fair at all. On the bright side, I'm not super sick or throwing up or anything like that! On the not-so bright side, I have no clue what's wrong with me? My symptoms include just generally feeling crappy and not sleeping very well through the night. I also have a mild sore throat that isn't bad enough to worry about (I did buy some sore throat logenzes which help though). But other than that, I don't have any real symptoms?? I don't get it. Advil helps, but temporarily.. I know EXACTLY when that 4-6 hour span is through because I start feeling crappy again. I wish I could put into words, much less French words, how I feel so I could get medicine from the pharmacy that could actually fix the problem rather than just mask it for 4-6 hours.
I'm just hoping it will go away very soon.
Other than that things are going well here. Didn't have class today so Sharon and I met up for lunch and then a little bit of shopping. For lunch I had a yummy crepe with ham, egg and cheese. I haven't been able to bring myself to buy much of anything while I'm here since the dollar is so weak (and I don't have much money to begin with). Everything that I see that seems like it's in my price range is usually OUT of my 'dollar' price range or cheaply made. For example, I'll see a top for 20 euros and think, "Hey that's cute!" ...until I realize that after it's changed into dollars and then has the international fees added, it's almost a 35-40 dollar top. Not quite as cute anymore. Most of the clothes/shoes here aren't much different from the clothes/shoes in the states anyway. So there's really no use for me to waste the money.
We're going to see Roméo & Juliette at the Theatre tonight! I think it's actually a ballet rather an opera too, which makes me pretty happy :) Before the ballet we're going out to eat at this little Italian restaurant that's supposed to be really good. Then tomorrow we're heading out really early in the morning to take a bus to an open air market place and then the Pont du Garde. I really hope I feel better tomorrow.. :)

Love you and miss you all!


Mom said...

Hey Mal....First day of summer for us! Yay!

I hope you feel better. :( Have fun at the ballet tonight and enjoy the food! I miss you.

Mom said...

I've been asking around.....Try getting a pro-biotic at a pharmacy. It may help.

Mallory said...

Thanks mom! :) I'll ask a pharmacy about that! Do you know what it is/does?
Miss you!!

Mom said...

It is the stuff I told you Leslie helps with digestion and the immune system. Robin Cook used it when she was in Africa and it helped her....worth a try!!
How is the weather there? It's nice here, just starting to get humid. Love you!

Unknown said...

I hope you start feelin better, no fun being sickly. Well, wish you were here, just swimmin away in the pool (your favorite I know). Have fun on your last week in France!